And who answers for bad hiring decisions?
Who is the new-hire actually going to report to? H/R? No. The new hire will report to you, or someone in your department. So why would you be willing to turn over to a staff recruiter in a generalist department the prospecting, screening, interviewing, evaluating, referencing, negotiating, and hiring of a very highly skilled and crucial addition to your team? That H/R department does the very best job they can. But it’s not easy recruiting for a sophisticated, multi-layered, international company. They are competing with every other company out there for the same people. And you are also competing with every department in your company for that H/R recruiter’s time.
Your success is dependent upon attracting the very best talent you can find. This places tremendous pressure on the H/R team. And when hiring mistakes are made, will your manager excuse your poor hiring decision because “It was the best candidate we could find” ?
Look, we are not saying that every new-hire should be a referral from a fee-paid recruiting firm, like us. No company can afford that. But what we are saying is that you, as a hiring manger, need to be involved. You need to make time. It will pay off in the end. It takes a lot more time to replace bad hires than is does to make a good hiring decision in the first place.
Talk to us about how to get a better grip on the process without being labeled a control freak.