What is the advantage to using a recruiter?
We would hope that the answer to this question lies in the previous questions and answers. We only want your business if we know we can help you. Help you what? Find the best people, efficiently, while minimizing your exposure to mistakes and bad hiring decisions. That’s the “what”.
But you also asked “why”.
Well, we have references, we’ve been in business a long time, we’ve been through booms and recessions, bubbles and busts. But honestly, a lot of people can say that. We have a lot of very good competitors that we respect. But only WE have our seasoned team of battle hardened, time tested, honest and ethical OWNERS. See, here at Elite, everyone gets to own a piece of the company, after they have proved themselves. That’s right. And, as you should know, you work a lot harder when you are working for yourself.
We are very proud of that fact.