Four little words. But these four little words are the essence of any recruiting firm worth their salt. Ask any recruiter how they find their people and they will tell you the same thing. They make hundreds of calls, talk to their vast database of industry contacts and work the social networking sites until the wee hours. But in reality, most of them just pull resumes off job boards. Yep. That’s right. Don’t believe us? Go to the major job boards and look at who is doing the most advertising for positions. What you will find is recruiter after recruiter, posting the same generic sounding job descriptions, dragging the pond for new “talent”. Instead of source, recruit and evaluate, it’s download, copy/paste and send. Is that what you’re paying for?
We don’t get it! Where is the added value? As a hiring company, couldn’t you just do that yourself? As an active job-seeker, don’t you want to differentiate yourself from the hoards? Well, we certainly think so. That’s why it’s hard to find Elite Network posting any jobs on the job boards. We DON’T believe in passive recruiting. We DO believe in being proactive. So when you ask us how we find our candidates, we are proud to tell you that we find them the old fashioned way. We get on the phone and we ask a simple question, those four little words… “Who do you know?”
So, it’s not who you know, unless you know us.